The following goals guide our efforts:

  • ​Distribute a minimum of 1,000 backpacks filled with school supplies at the Rides and School Supplies Back-to-School Event.
  • Acknowledge a dedicated St. Louis Public School Teacher with a donation to support their classroom. We aim to raise $5,000 to make a substantial impact on our local teachers.
  • Introduce the ART AWARD, an initiative that honors the teacher who has made an exceptional contribution and deserves recognition for their outstanding efforts in education.

    With your help, we can achieve these goals and make a significant difference in the lives of our students and teachers.

    Your support is crucial in building a brighter future for our community. Join us on this transformative journey and help us empower our educators and students. Together, we can create a more vibrant and compassionate community.

    Contact Us by Email:


We are excited to reintroduce our Pool Program, known as P.O.O.L. (Providing Opportunities Otherwise Lost).

Program Location: 
Behind the 8 Ball Billiards
Parlor and Darts
1165 N Hwy 67 
Florissant, MO 63031

Our partnership with the Annie Malone Children’s Home exemplifies our commitment to building a strong and vibrant community. This program is a unique opportunity to teach life lessons through the game of billiards and instill a sense of self-worth in the hearts of young individuals. Why should you consider becoming a sponsor and supporting our mission? Your support allows us to create tangible, positive change in the lives of young individuals in our community.

By becoming a sponsor, you become a driving force behind our efforts to instill the values of compassion and philanthropy, empower the next generation, and promote collaboration within our community.

As a sponsor, you contribute to the distribution of backpacks filled with school supplies, the awarding of scholarships, and the success of our unique Pool Program. Your involvement is an investment in the future of our community, where collaboration and compassion reign supreme.

​Join us in making a difference. Become a sponsor and be part of our transformative journey with the Korey Johnson Foundation! Together, we can build a stronger and more compassionate community.

Invest in the Mission
Spread the message that the community
thrives when community collaborates!

For nearly 11 years, the Korey Johnson Foundation has been dedicated to nurturing compassion and philanthropy in the hearts of our youth, with a resounding emphasis on the profound value of giving and receiving. At the heart of our Foundation lies a singular purpose – to empower our community's future leaders with these essential life lessons. Our journey began in 2012 when we embarked on a mission to make the first day of school an exciting and memorable experience for the local youth. We aimed to equip them with backpacks and essential school supplies, setting them on a path to success.

The pinnacle of this mission is our annual Can Skate community event, a celebration that has graced the screens of Fox 2 News year after year. This back-to-school skating extravaganza is designed to bring joy and support to underprivileged elementary school students in our community. However, the unforeseen arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 disrupted the way we interacted with one another. As CDC guidelines evolved daily, we knew it was time for a fresh approach.

​Our commitment to providing school supplies and fostering happiness for children remained unwavering, but our traditional Can Skate Event could no longer proceed as planned. It was in this challenging moment that we made a strategic decision, one that would exemplify the power of collaboration and community support. We partnered with Rides N' School Supplies, led by Derrick Walker, to continue our mission in a safe yet enjoyable way. This partnership has enabled us to distribute backpacks filled with school supplies to over 20,000 children and award more than $50,000 in scholarships to local high school students. We've demonstrated that by coming together, we can create lasting change, one backpack at a time. But our commitment to empowering youth doesn't end here.

Become A Sponsor